Postcode : DH4 5PH, Chilton Moor, Sunderland, Tyne And Wear

Mercantile Road, Houghton le Spring, Tyne and Wear.

DH4 5PH close to Chilton Moor, High Dubmire, Burnside and Sunniside.


DH4 5PH : Rural residents / Rural tenants / Ageing rural flat tenants

Local Authority Sunderland

Primary Care Trust Sunderland Teaching

Ward Hetton

Constituency Houghton and Sunderland South

Region North East

Country England

Postcode Area DH : Durham

DH4 Postcode Sectors

Tyne And Wear

DH4 5PH Nearby Postcode Districts

DH1 DH2 DH3 DH4 DH5 DH6 DH7 DH8 DH9 NE16 NE17 NE37 NE38 NE39 NE9 SR1 SR2 SR3 SR4 SR5 SR7 SR8 SR9

DH4 5PH Schools

Bernard Gilpin Primary School
Burnside Primary School
East Rainton Primary School
Gillas Lane Primary School
Eppleton Primary School
Hetton School
Woodlea Primary School
Hetton Lyons Primary School

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