Postcode : DN22 6TN, Retford, Nottinghamshire

Welham Road, Retford, Nottinghamshire.

DN22 6TN close to Balk Field, Bolham, Welham and Thrumpton.


DN22 6TN : Rural residents / Ageing rural dwellers / Renting rural retirement

Local Authority Bassetlaw

Primary Care Trust Bassetlaw

Ward East Retford East

Constituency Bassetlaw

Region East Midlands

Country England

Postcode Area DN : Doncaster

DN22 Postcode Sectors


DN22 6TN Nearby Postcode Districts

DN10 DN21 DN22 LN1 S25 S26 S66 S80 S81

Stations near to DN22 6TN

Retford Low Level Rail Station about 1.13 miles away.
Retford Rail Station about 1.13 miles away.

DN22 6TN Schools

Carr Hill Primary and Nursery School
St Swithun's CofE Primary School
The Elizabethan High School
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Bracken Lane Primary and Nursery School
Hallcroft Infant and Nursery School
Thrumpton Primary School
Retford Oaks High School
Ordsall Primary School
The Bridge School
Clarborough Primary School

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