Postcode : PE31 7QU, Ingoldisthorpe, Norfolk

Beach Road, Snettisham, King's Lynn.

PE31 7QU close to Ingoldisthorpe and Snettisham.


PE31 7QU : Rural residents / Rural tenants / Rural life

Local Authority King's Lynn and West Norfolk

Primary Care Trust Norfolk

Ward Snettisham

Constituency North West Norfolk

Region Eastern

Country England

Postcode Area PE : Peterborough

PE31 Postcode Sectors


PE31 7QU Nearby Postcode Districts

NR21 NR22 NR23 PE31 PE35 PE36

PE31 7QU Schools

Snettisham Primary School
Ingoldisthorpe Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School
Dersingham Infant and Nursery School

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