Postcode : TR3 6DP, Threemilestone, Cornwall

Pengelly Way, Threemilestone, Truro.

TR3 6DP close to Threemilestone and Hugus.


TR3 6DP : Urbanites / Ageing urban living / Self-sufficient retirement

Local Authority Cornwall

Primary Care Trust Cornwall and Isles of Scilly

Ward Threemilestone and Gloweth

Constituency Truro and Falmouth

Region South West

Country England

Postcode Area TR : Truro

TR3 Postcode Sectors


TR3 6DP Nearby Postcode Districts

PL25 PL26 TR1 TR10 TR14 TR15 TR16 TR2 TR26 TR27 TR3 TR4 TR5 TR6

Stations near to TR3 6DP

Perranwell Rail Station about 3.11 miles away.

TR3 6DP Schools

Threemilestone School
Richard Lander School
Truro School Preparatory School

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