Postcode : SR8 1, County Durham

Postcodes in the SR8 1 district. Covering areas such as Peterlee, Shotton and County Durham.

Postcode Area SR : Sunderland

SR8 Postcode Sectors

County Durham

SR8 1 Nearby Postcode Districts

DH1 DH5 DH6 DH7 DL14 DL15 DL16 DL17 SR7 SR8 TS24 TS25 TS26 TS27 TS28 TS29

SR8 1 Schools

Shotton Hall School
Shotton Hall Infants' School
Howletch Lane Primary School
Acre Rigg Junior School
Wellfield School
Wingate Junior School
Shotton Primary School
Dene Community School
Dene House Primary School
Wingate Infants' School

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