Tomtom Go Messageboard
has anyone used the ttg on a motorcyclePosted by Gordon BlackshawMarch 20, 2005
Post Codes For Tomtom Go
has anyone knowledge as to where I can obtain post codes download for Tom Tom Go. It would make life much easier. Thank you.Posted by John BraceMarch 13, 2005
Postcode/speed Camera Downloads
recently purchased ipaq1710 with tomtom -great products
When I have tried to install the uk postcode program (from kanoop) I get as far as trying to save it onto my SD card and get a message saying not enough space available. As a complete novice is there any other way to do this? If I buy a bigger card to accommodate the 18Mb will this link to the tomtom program on the supplied sd card. Any info would be appreciated Posted by G FergusonFebruary 26, 2005
Speed Camera Pois
I have installed Speed Camera POI's and set a warning sound to go off at 272 yards on my TTG. It works fine when I approach a camera if I am following a preset route. But if I am driving without a route the cameras show on the display ok but no warning sound goes off. Is this right or have I set it up wrong.
Posted by MickFebruary 19, 2005
Update Gb Map?
I got my tomtom go today and its FANTASTIC! The GB map seems to exclude certain newish areas where i live though.
Is there somewhere i can download the updated software?Posted by DaveFebruary 9, 2005
Europe Maps
Thanks for the replies, I will give the European maps a try before spending more money
Posted by Alan RFebruary 5, 2005
Europe Maps
Major Maps of Europe is a seperate product that *IS* bundled with all UK TomToms not sure about other versions. It's very useful for cross european travelling.Posted by JayFebruary 4, 2005
Europe Maps
Driving from Uk to Spain, Italy, Portugal & switzerland, will the basic "GO" have adequate maps for these areas or d I need a GPS with full European coverage Posted by Alan RFebruary 4, 2005
Re : Europe Maps
Your TomTom Go should have come with GB maps on SD card and a CD of 'Major Roads of Europe'? My suggestion is to install these euro maps onto your TomTom and check to see if it is adequate for your journey.
It is possible to have both GB + the 'Major Euro Roads' data installed together on a 256MB card.
The MRE maps are not very detailed at all... but might do for your needs. In fact they're of little use unless travelling between major European cities. The other option is to get hold of the Maps of Western Europe pack
Hope that helps Posted by DaveFebruary 4, 2005 Eire No, EIRE is not covered, something to do with the mapping data.Posted by Frank ButcherJanuary 31, 2005 Tom Tom Repair Ouch bad luck! TomTom's site has some info on repairs... here's the link : Here's the link Posted by DaveJanuary 30, 2005 Tom Tom Blown Up! hi guys, I accidentally had my Tom Tom Go blown up - by the voltage setting on a universal car adapter being set to high. Does anyone know anywhere that repairs these, or do you think it is permanently damaged?? thanks in advance...:) Posted by NeilJanuary 30, 2005 Safety Camera Data Base I would like to down load safety camera location details for TomTom GoPosted by Paul ButcherJanuary 18, 2005 Maps Does anyone know if Eire is covered by Great Britain or Western Europe map software?Posted by PeteJanuary 17, 2005 Tom Tom Photo Competition We've just added a new feature to the site called "Me and My TomTom". We want you to take a photo of your TomTom on the road, in your car, on a walk - wherever. The weirder or funnier the better - but a picture of it stuck to the dash of your Ford Focus will do just fine too.
Here's an example to get you going
We've decided to offer a prize for the best picture submitted. You've got until 31st January 2005 to enter. The best picture, as judged by us at Street Finder, will win something cool (remember to enter your email address when you submit the photo if you want to be considered for the prize)
So get snapping with your digital cameras and submit them to the gallery!
Click here to view and submit photos Posted by DaveJanuary 9, 2005 Re: Tomtom Repair Out of interest what's wrong with your tomtom?
TomTom's site has some info on repairs... here's the link :
DavePosted by DaveJanuary 9, 2005 Tom Tom Repair Where do you send A TOM TOM for repair.Posted by TonyJanuary 9, 2005 Tomtom Pois Great site with many tomtom POI : by MikeJanuary 8, 2005 Tomtom Keygen Anyone know of a tomtom go key gen??
TaPosted by PaddyJanuary 8, 2005 Speed Cameras Geoff,
there's an "Idiots Guide to installing Speed Cameras on TomTom Go" link on every page! :) (not that i'm suggestig you're an idiot of course)
DavePosted by DaveJanuary 8, 2005 Speed Camera I've seen lots of posts about speed cameras.
Can someone please tell me how to install these speed cameras onto my TomTom Go?
Many thanks.
Geoff. Posted by GeoffJanuary 8, 2005 128mb & Speed Trap Info Yes - plenty of room for speed camera info with the supplied card - so long as you delete the voice files you don\'t need - eg all the foreign languages - you can do this from the main menu when you connect the TTG to your PC & run the supplied software. Posted by PhilipJanuary 7, 2005 Ttg And Safety (speed) Camera You asked if a 128MB card will hold the speed camera db. I just installed it onto the original GB disk last night. It works fine Posted by Helpful FellowJanuary 7, 2005 Ttg Speed Cameras PLEASE CAN ANYONE TELL ME WILL THE SPEED CAMERA UPDATE FIT ON THE 128MB SD CARD THAT COME WITH THE TTG, AND WHERE CAN I BUY ANOTHER MOUNTING CRADLE,
MANY THANKS BRIANPosted by Brian BlanchardJanuary 3, 2005 Speed Cameras On Tomtomgo Cheers to Andy for details posted 11/11/04 on how to install speed cameras as POI\'s-works a treat-and shows how sneaky some hidden camera installations are (like behind a tree or bush) question..are details updated very often, and where?Posted by BarryDecember 22, 2004 Tomtom Go Got mine delivered yesterday and it's an absolute breeze to use!Posted by AlbourneboyDecember 15, 2004 Tom Tom Go Can you enter a postcode destination with TTG?Posted by DavidvDecember 14, 2004 Updates Thx for the help. Updated firmware and installed cameras with no trouble at all. Only one glitch, GPS shows a box when I am at home as Bentley (Warwickshire) not Yorkshire which is correct. The map is OK just the name in the box is incorrect. Any ideas for a fix ??Posted by December 14, 2004
It is possible to have both GB + the 'Major Euro Roads' data installed together on a 256MB card.
The MRE maps are not very detailed at all... but might do for your needs. In fact they're of little use unless travelling between major European cities. The other option is to get hold of the Maps of Western Europe pack
Hope that helps Posted by DaveFebruary 4, 2005 Eire No, EIRE is not covered, something to do with the mapping data.Posted by Frank ButcherJanuary 31, 2005 Tom Tom Repair Ouch bad luck! TomTom's site has some info on repairs... here's the link : Here's the link Posted by DaveJanuary 30, 2005 Tom Tom Blown Up! hi guys, I accidentally had my Tom Tom Go blown up - by the voltage setting on a universal car adapter being set to high. Does anyone know anywhere that repairs these, or do you think it is permanently damaged?? thanks in advance...:) Posted by NeilJanuary 30, 2005 Safety Camera Data Base I would like to down load safety camera location details for TomTom GoPosted by Paul ButcherJanuary 18, 2005 Maps Does anyone know if Eire is covered by Great Britain or Western Europe map software?Posted by PeteJanuary 17, 2005 Tom Tom Photo Competition We've just added a new feature to the site called "Me and My TomTom". We want you to take a photo of your TomTom on the road, in your car, on a walk - wherever. The weirder or funnier the better - but a picture of it stuck to the dash of your Ford Focus will do just fine too.
Here's an example to get you going
We've decided to offer a prize for the best picture submitted. You've got until 31st January 2005 to enter. The best picture, as judged by us at Street Finder, will win something cool (remember to enter your email address when you submit the photo if you want to be considered for the prize)
So get snapping with your digital cameras and submit them to the gallery!
Click here to view and submit photos Posted by DaveJanuary 9, 2005 Re: Tomtom Repair Out of interest what's wrong with your tomtom?
TomTom's site has some info on repairs... here's the link :
DavePosted by DaveJanuary 9, 2005 Tom Tom Repair Where do you send A TOM TOM for repair.Posted by TonyJanuary 9, 2005 Tomtom Pois Great site with many tomtom POI : by MikeJanuary 8, 2005 Tomtom Keygen Anyone know of a tomtom go key gen??
TaPosted by PaddyJanuary 8, 2005 Speed Cameras Geoff,
there's an "Idiots Guide to installing Speed Cameras on TomTom Go" link on every page! :) (not that i'm suggestig you're an idiot of course)
DavePosted by DaveJanuary 8, 2005 Speed Camera I've seen lots of posts about speed cameras.
Can someone please tell me how to install these speed cameras onto my TomTom Go?
Many thanks.
Geoff. Posted by GeoffJanuary 8, 2005 128mb & Speed Trap Info Yes - plenty of room for speed camera info with the supplied card - so long as you delete the voice files you don\'t need - eg all the foreign languages - you can do this from the main menu when you connect the TTG to your PC & run the supplied software. Posted by PhilipJanuary 7, 2005 Ttg And Safety (speed) Camera You asked if a 128MB card will hold the speed camera db. I just installed it onto the original GB disk last night. It works fine Posted by Helpful FellowJanuary 7, 2005 Ttg Speed Cameras PLEASE CAN ANYONE TELL ME WILL THE SPEED CAMERA UPDATE FIT ON THE 128MB SD CARD THAT COME WITH THE TTG, AND WHERE CAN I BUY ANOTHER MOUNTING CRADLE,
MANY THANKS BRIANPosted by Brian BlanchardJanuary 3, 2005 Speed Cameras On Tomtomgo Cheers to Andy for details posted 11/11/04 on how to install speed cameras as POI\'s-works a treat-and shows how sneaky some hidden camera installations are (like behind a tree or bush) question..are details updated very often, and where?Posted by BarryDecember 22, 2004 Tomtom Go Got mine delivered yesterday and it's an absolute breeze to use!Posted by AlbourneboyDecember 15, 2004 Tom Tom Go Can you enter a postcode destination with TTG?Posted by DavidvDecember 14, 2004 Updates Thx for the help. Updated firmware and installed cameras with no trouble at all. Only one glitch, GPS shows a box when I am at home as Bentley (Warwickshire) not Yorkshire which is correct. The map is OK just the name in the box is incorrect. Any ideas for a fix ??Posted by December 14, 2004
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