Postcode : SO14 3, Southampton, Hampshire

Postcodes in the SO14 3 district. Covering areas such as Ocean Village and Southampton in Hampshire.

Postcode Area SO : Southampton

SO14 Postcode Sectors


SO14 3 Nearby Postcode Districts

BH24 PO1 PO12 PO13 PO14 PO15 PO16 PO17 PO2 PO3 PO6 PO7 PO8 SO14 SO15 SO16 SO17 SO18 SO19 SO30 SO31 SO32 SO40 SO42 SO43 SO45 SO50 SO52 SO53

Stations near to SO14 3

Southampton Town Quay about 0.42 miles away.
Woolston Rail Station about 0.98 miles away.
Southampton Central Rail Station about 1.26 miles away.
Sholing Rail Station about 1.43 miles away.
Bitterne Rail Station about 1.98 miles away.
Millbrook (Hants) Rail Station about 2.07 miles away.
St Denys Rail Station about 2.1 miles away.
Swaythling Rail Station about 3.48 miles away.

SO14 3 Schools

Weston Shore Infant School
Mount Pleasant Junior School
The Sholing Technology College
Bevois Town Primary School
Bitterne Manor Primary School

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