Postcode : YO21 3, North Yorkshire

Postcodes in the YO21 3 district. Covering areas such as High Stakesby, Sandsend, Dunsley, Newholm, East Barnby, Goldsborough, West Cliff and North Yorkshire.

Postcode Area YO : York

YO21 Postcode Sectors

North Yorkshire

YO21 3 Nearby Postcode Districts

TS11 TS12 TS13 YO21 YO22

Stations near to YO21 3

Whitby Rail Station about 0.92 miles away.
Ruswarp Rail Station about 1.48 miles away.
Sleights Rail Station about 2.35 miles away.

YO21 3 Schools

Stakesby Community Primary School
West Cliff Primary School
Caedmon College Whitby
Whitby, Airy Hill Community Primary School
St Hilda's Roman Catholic Primary School
Caedmon School
Ruswarp Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School
Whitby, East Whitby Community Primary School
Eskdale School

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