Postcode : CM3 1, Essex

Postcodes in the CM3 1 district. Covering areas such as Milch Hill, Ford End, Church End, Ringtail Green, Gubbion's Green, Breeds, High Houses, Willows Green, Hartford End, Little Leighs, Lyons Hall, Fanner's Green, Great Waltham, Littley Green, Great Leighs and Essex.

Postcode Area CM : Chelmsford

CM3 Postcode Sectors


CM3 1 Nearby Postcode Districts

CM17 CM18 CM20 CM21 CM22 CM23 CM24 CM6 CM7 CM8 CO2 CO3 CO5 CO6

CM3 1 Schools

White Court School
Great Leighs Primary School
Notley Green Primary School

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